no lie, july was busy!

So. Much. Fun.

July started out with a bang, as our dear friends Danny & Lynn arrived for a visit. They were our first friends in Wimberley, where Danny is an amazing artist and Lynn is a skilled golfer. They stayed at the apartment hotel just across the street from us, which gave them a bit of room and privacy. For their first evening, I made dinner: peach caprese salad, veal piccata with polenta, and a clafoutis for dessert. 

Lynn & Danny in front of the Fountain of the Three Graces, at la Place de la Comédie

The next morning after coffee and pastries, we visited our neighborhood farmers’ market before heading to the brocante (weekly flea market). Alas, no brocante that day–but we happened to meet a lovely English couple who spend weeks at a time in their Montpellier apartment near the train station. Phil and I ended up meeting them for cocktails the evening before they returned home to northern England, and we look forward to seeing Eileen and Graeme on their next visit.

Sunday farmers’ market

We strolled through the Jardin des Plantes, the oldest botanical garden in France, which is still used for research, before enjoying lunch at Broc Cafe, one of our favorite Sunday destinations. Phil and I had dance performance tickets that evening, so Lynn and Danny explored on their own. Ice cream may or may not have been involved.

Ice cream here is so pretty!

One morning when Phil and I didn’t have French lessons, we all set out for Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert, a medieval village known for its Unesco World Heritage Site, le Pont Diable, or Devil’s Bridge. You can read about it and its legend in the link. On route, we spied a sign: “Site Prehistorique.” Of course, we had to investigate. After following a progressively rougher and skinnier road, we hiked up to the site, which was unfortunately closed, so all we could do was walk the perimeter. Next time!

This village existed around 2700 years ago!

As we drove out, we spotted a small sign advertising ceramics. Another detour! This path led to a compound with marvelous, bigger-than-lifesized sculptures of fanciful animals. After calling “Allo?”several times, I was rewarded when a tiny woman came out. “On cherche la ceramiciste,” I said. “C’est moi,” Martine replied, and she led us to the studio she shares with husband Dom.  They do not speak English, so I translated (badly) as Danny purchased a beautiful bowl (They don’t take credit cards, so without cash Phil and I were unable to buy anything). We admired some pieces in the “damaged” section, and Martine and Dom let each couple choose one as a gift. 

Our beautiful “mistake,” a gift from Martine and Dom

We finally made it to Saint Guihelm, after a LONG detour for road work, and after squeezing the car through the tiniest street I’ve seen, we enjoyed an al fresco lunch with several cats. Then, after visiting the abbey, also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and of course the famous bridge, where a couple of young men terrified us by climbing up the gorge, we headed home.

The cloister at the abbey, next to the museum explaining its history

Gorge climbers. Lynn and I were terrified!

We were eager for Danny and Lynn to meet some of our Montpellier friends, so we invited two other couples to join us for dinner chez Shroyer. The menu: vichysoisse, morel chicken with pasta, and peach cobbler (the recipe from my Wild Woman Linda Goldenstern’s mom, Irma!). We enjoyed lemon martinis and nibbles on the terrace, followed by dinner inside. I was too busy having fun to take any photos!

The next day was July 4, a special day for us because it’s our daughter’s birthday (also our niece’s!). It was made even more special by the Chicago hot dog party hosted by our friends Dave and Sue! Again, I was having too much fun to remember to take photos.

Our friends left with fun memories, and we enjoyed the last dance performance of the Montpellier dance festival, a wonderful movie night with friends Jana and Martin, and a couple of fun times with other friends, before the big event: Quatorze Juillet, AKA Bastille Day! Our friends Lloyd and Bob had invited us to a party, and their terrace was just yards from the fireworks launch site. The fireworks felt as if they were coming right at our heads!

No photo could do justice to this amazing sight!

Then it was time to prepare for my big event: a trip to Arkansas for the wedding of Sydney and Sean. Sydney’s mom is my bestie Beth, and I’ve known Syd since she was born, so this was a very special trip. I had two close connections, the one in Atlanta caused by a bit of a backup in baggage claim.

There were hundreds of bags stuck on the belt, stopping it and making everyone angry!

Three flights later, I arrived in Tulsa at midnight and was chauffeured by Beth’s DIL Robby and granddaughter Jocelyn. The next morning we were all busy organizing, packing, and chasing Beth’s granddaughters Cora and Maeve.

Flower girls, Maeve and Cora

We arrived in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and checked into the Airbnb Beth had booked. It was a carriage house, and we slept in horse stalls. No, really!

I had the middle stall.

Then we got to work. We made all the flower arrangements and boutonnières, assembled the umbrellas (intended for sun, but used for a sprinkling of rain during the ceremony), ran errands, and chased granddaughters. The wedding was held at the Crescent Hotel (which is haunted), a beautiful mountain retreat in the charming village.

Junior bridesmaid Jossy with a wedding umbrella

Being a long-time family friend, as well as a former wedding consultant, I was drafted to be the wedding coordinator. The rehearsal went well, and after the rehearsal dinner Beth and I returned to our carriage house, where the youngsters had spent the evening with pizza and young adult supervision. 

The carriage house was a bit of a mess after all the kids left!

The day of the wedding was too busy for me to take photos, but it was lovely. Gorgeous bride, fabulous family, lovely ceremony, and a bit of rain to sweeten the day. One special moment for me: when I pinned a boutonnière on Bronce, the bride’s brother, he reminded me that I’d done the same when he married Robby 13 years ago.

Bronce and the bride, with beautiful Beth in the background

Sean and Syd, the happy couple

The reception was wonderful, and I got to catch up with friends-who-are-family, watch the festivities, munch delicious food (taco bar! wedding cake!), dance a little, and finally SIT!

Reception joy

But wait, there’s more! After the reception, as we were winding down at the carriage house, Syd, who is a director and producer, got a text message. She had just won not one, but TWO EMMYS!!! She was awarded for two documentaries, “The Ancient Game of Stickball” and “Chickasaw Warriors.” 

This was taken after the Emmys arrived.

The next morning after breakfast, I borrowed Syd’s car to make a quick visit to my brother and sister-in-law, who live nearby. It was too short but so great to see them both! 

Lea, Sandy, and Larry

We had two more nights in Tulsa, and on the last evening, after everyone had left, Beth and I enjoyed a quiet dinner (pasta with tomatoes from Lea’s garden and basil from Beth’s), reflecting on the wedding, but also on our 53-year friendship. I’m so very luck to have this treasure of a friend.

And then it was time to come home. Phil and I missed each other (although our friends kept him entertained and fed during my absence), and it was lovely to be home and back in our routine. The last few days have been blessedly quiet (watching the amazing Jeux Olympiques opening ceremony, bingeing the “Alice Nevers” detective series, cooking, and sleeping!), and I am very happy to be home.

A wonderful wedding. A wonderful couple.


1 thought on “

  1. Loved the blog and reviewing our visit with the Shroyer’s! What a great time we had and thrilled to spend time with “ y’all”. Loved Montpellier and your lifestyle!

    So glad that Eureka was such fun for you! You deserve a long, long rest surrounded by books.

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